Winter in Oulu

This is my first try with the mobile site, so please forgive any typos…I’m trying to catch them!

After our six hour train ride, which went rather smoothly, we arrived in Oulu. Wellu’s aunt and mom picked us up, and we headed to the house.



It’s going to be a rather lazy few days, as we soak in family and togetherness, but we’ve done a few things…took Shiva out for a walk her her first deep snow without the leash. She made a couple of bounds through the snow, and even walked on the ice rink surface without any issue, but she seemed to enjoy more just sniffing along the walkway and making little bits of yellow snow.

I took her out with the GoPro camera for a Wigglebutt Production run, but due to technical difficulty (I forgot to insert an SD card, duh), there’s nothing to show. 😦



Lastly, here’s the view from the kitchen window of mom-in-laws house:


Took the done out and got some great aerial shots of the first, so those will be forthcoming.

Drone shot from up high.

Drone shot from up high.

Merry Christmas all!

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